Oil Painting of Rocky Marciano Walcott Knockout

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The moment in time when Rocky Marciano defeated Joe Walcott with a super knockout punch captured in oils.

Marciano, 29, faced the World Heavyweight Champion, 38-year-old Jersey Joe Walcott, in Philadelphia on September 23, 1952. Walcott dropped Marciano in the first round and steadily built a points lead, but in the 13, Walcott used his trademark feint to set up his right hand, but Marciano's "Suzie Q" landed first. Marciano landed a glancing right hook as Walcott slumped to his knees with his arm draped over the ropes. He lay motionless long after he had been counted out and Marciano became the new World Heavyweight Champion. At the time of the stoppage, Walcott was leading on all scorecards, 8–4, 7–5 and 7–4.

The painting captured from the ringside when Marciano's punch lands just seconds before Walcott slumps to the floor to be counted out.


Oil Painting of Rocky Marciano Walcott Knockout
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